Zoom out - a perspective on life

Raphael Reiter
July 16, 2023

Zoom out - what do you see? The earth. The eco-system of Nature. Whenever you are lost or frustrated, zoom out. Feed yourself with the perspective that you are infinitely small - so are your problems, and so are all your challenges.

Notice how everything goes together perfectly. In Chinese, the word for Nature translates to "self-so." That doesn't mean that you need to lay back and go with an all-day, whatever happens, happens kind of attitude. But lean towards this perspective. You can only do your best. Everything else follows the course of Nature (including human Nature)

Here is what Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome said:

"How beautifully Plato put it. Whenever you want to talk about people, it's best to take a bird's-eye view and see everything all at once - of gatherings, armies, farms, weddings and divorces, births and deaths, noisy courtrooms or silent spaces, every foreign people, holidays, memorials, markets - all blended together and arranged in a pairing of opposites." - Marcus Aurelius

In today's guided meditation, we have another important quote by Marcus.

Love + Soul HUGS!


PS: If you have not read Marcus's Meditations yet, I highly recommend you do. I read it once a year. I recommend this translation here

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