Take a walk

Raphael Reiter
July 16, 2023

"We should take wandering outdoor walks, so that the mind might be nourished and refreshed by the open air and deep breathing" - Seneca

Throughout centuries, it has been recorded that many artists, poets, writers, thinkers, and politicians were notorious for taking daily long walks. The "busiest" and most productive men and women did too.

Nietzsche once said: "It is only ideas gained from walking that have any worth."

Take a walk. Feeling stuck at work? Take a walk.
Still trying to figure out some critical decisions? Take a walk.
Want to get your creative juices flowing? Take a walk.
Feeling sad, stressed, or overwhelmed? Take a walk.
Feel angry? Take a walk.

Granted, not all walks are equal. However, if you don't have the opportunity to be in the middle of nature each day, anywhere outside will do. Don't be too picky; walk.

I used to crave productivity and to get as many things done as possible. Therefore, traveling from point A to point B needed to be done as fast as I could - usually by car.

I have incorporated two daily walks into my morning routine for the last few months. The first one is to bring my son to kindergarten. Every morning, no matter the weather, I walk him there. It is a nice clean cut between my deep work protocols, it allows me to spend some time with my son, and it allows me to get one of my walks in. The return journey is taken in silence. Every afternoon, I pick him up and get my second walk in. the return journey is a bit different, as we stop by the park and play a bit before heading home.

A few years ago, I would have freaked out at the prospect of walking 35 minutes instead of driving for 7. Today, these walks are crucial for my well-being, relationship with my son, and work and creativity.

Make it your priority every day. As you brush your teeth and meditate, take a daily walk. Try to take the time and keep your car parked; take a walk.

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